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Where do I See Myslef in the Future?

During one of our coaching lessons I was asked to think about what my life will look like in the future. I used the model called the onion model by van Bateson en Dilts. As you can see below on the image of the model, there are many elements that influence my future.


The ideal environment that I want to be in is with people who respect eachother, are passionate with what they do, always wanting to learn more. I want to be surrounded by people with a clear objective which is making people fitter and less sedentary. I want the environment to be inspiring for people to feel influenced by what I do. The environment itself should be green and healthy, with many opportunities to practice sports. I want to gradually become the best version of myself and keep working to always keep growing and evolving for my clients to be inspired and follow my steps.


I will use all of my knowledge I gathered during thsi program to use it in my advantage to help people have a healthy lifestyle. I will give my best at all times never letting any client down always being there supporting the people to prevent diseases that could be caused if not having a healthy lifestyle like for example obesity. I personally will focus on having an extremely healthy lifestyle looking at all the aspects that influence it and controlling those aspects to limit any negative situations.


My focus will be fitness and soccer, so I will specialize in those areas to be an expert and always be able to have a solution for people if they need it. Of course I will be using all the knowledge I have obtained from this study to help me work with clients but I want to extend my knowledge even further to always be one step ahead of any competences. I will be one of a kind in my working field.


I believe in team work, I guess that has become my belief in sport due to my long soccer career. I have always followed the same values in the sport worl which are: Consistency, Respect, Determination and of course team work. I will always treat everyone with respect, I want people to feel like I am there for them and that they can count on me.


I want to be seen as a leader and as a person that has helped others to get past obstacles to reach their goals with my help. My identity is not always the same, it depends on what objectives I have in that specific moment, however, my identity will always be related to the sport world.

Core and Vision

I want people to be proud of themselves and feel happiness after reaching their goals with my help. I want to make peoples life better by introducing them to a more healthy lifestyle.


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