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Liam EL Mansouri

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When I arrived in the netherlands I wasnt completely sure about staying here becuase of many persona reasons that didnt really motivated me to stay in Holland. But after a few weeks I could already tell that i wanted to stay here for a long period of time as I saw how much I developed in such a small period time. I met many people and participated in many actviities, I interecated with people from all over the world, I was not very confident at the beginning and didnt really have the confidence to talk to so many strangers but after some time I felt different, much more mature and ready to start my new life. 

I have lived in the netherlands for less than a year and feel as if I have gathered many amazing expereinces that have already helped me to grow as a sport professional. I have created a routine here that also really helps me to have discipline and work hard everyday, I think a value I learnt here is discipline. 


During this study I have gathered new knowledge that will help me to achieve my goals in the future and of course a long the journey to becoming a sports professional. I believe that my motivation currently is extremely influencing positively my potential. The experiences in the different work fields and groups projects have made me develop many skills that I was lacking in. I always struggled in talking in front of a group of people, however, after having to present reports or presenatations to the class made me train my confidence until finally now I can speak freely in front of people. 


I think my participation in class gradually increased during each block and now I am extremely happy with how I am participating in class and keeping up with all the work. 



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