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Personal Reflections

At the end of each block I wrote down all the experiences, weaknesses and strengths I had gathered throughout the block. I decided to use the STARR model of reflection. This process of reflecting is extremely important because it shows my entire development and everything I went through to become who I am now. It helped me see in what aspects and sections I could've worked harder to improve and become the best version of myself.

Block 1

During the first block it was hard for me to get back into my academic routine as I did a gap year before starting with this study. That was what made me struggle and slowly start to be behind course work and not being able to study properly for exams. My focus was still there because of my football which of course also requires high concentration, however, my ambition and focus on school work was not there. I was lacking in motivation at the beginning not being sure if this was the right choice and all of those thoughts that come into someones mind when they are starting with something new and completely out of their comfort zone, and that happened to me. 


Eventhough it was the first block it was quite intense and extremely stressfull with all the assignments and deadlines we had. During one of our subjects that was sport event it was the first time I found myself really focused and dedicated to what I was doing. I was glad I felt like that for reinsurance that I made the right decision with my studies. Leonie and Rob helped were extremely helpful and made everything slightly less stressfull and more enjoyable. 


I took many things from this block, it woke me up and made me see what the real requirements are for university standards, and that its not going to be easy for me but require many hours of study and dedication that I was lacking in that moment.


When the first block eneded I was not satisfied with how I did at all. I knew I could do better but I just couldn't find the motivation and ambition in that time. Nevertheless, I still gained many experiences that helped me to develop my identity and improved my knowledge in the sport world. 

Block 2

After I had settled down into everything, new people, new country, student life again, I started to be more active and participated more in class. But then covid hit again so everything was online and I went back home to Spain, my home country. There it was hard for me to concentrate on the online classes as I had many distractions at home. I slowly drifted back to where I was during the first block, lack of motivation and not having university as main priority. 


It was very nice being at home, but what I wasnt realising is that university was still going on and that meant I was falling behind each time slightly more. At the end of the second block I was pretty much at the same place as in the end of the first block, that irritated me and made me think about who I am and what Im doing with my life. So I decided to make a change. 


I gained many experiences from the second block that helped me find the right path again. I had a conversation with Leonie were she explained and tried to make me understand that I had to start working hard to carch up with the work and be up to date with all the assignments. So thats what I did, I mad emyself a plan with everything I had to complete. This plan helped me to create a routine so that I didnt fall back behind again. 


All in all, during this block i realised what I wanted and went for it. I began to be more serious and focus on what was important. 

Block 3


It was amazing starting the new block with a completely new mind set and new mentality of knowing exactly what I want to do setting myself objectives and goals for next couple of weeks. What triggered this change in mindset apart from talking with the teachers, was the Fitness A course (Personal Trainer). It made me realize what I really want to become when im older or at least for the next couple of years. 


After I realized this, I immediately created a plan for my studies and for my personal life with objectives to achieve. I was focused on what I wanted and that made me start working again. I slowly catched up with all of the work and with help from Leonie I came back on track and managed to end the third block in the best way possible.


The third block I must say was the most stressfull for me, I had many exams and reports to submit. Despite all the stress and the long hours of study, I enjoyed it because I felt productive and I felt I was doing something positive that maybe not know but in the future will be useful for me. 


To conclude with the third block I must say I am satisfied with my work and everything I managed to complete with quality. I am ready for the next block which I think will be the most exciting one.

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