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Accountability Reports

During one of the coaching lesson we were asked to discuss four learning outcomes and in the end write a report for each of the four learning outcomes we were given. The aim for this task was to see what I can still master in each LO and what I have achieved using evidence (Burden of Proof) to proove that I have achieved what I say I have in each of these different LOs. I decided to use the STARR model of reflection to write the four reports as this model is extremely useful for structured and clear reflections that are efficient and really show the final outcome of the learning process I went through. Below are the four different learning outcomes we had to focus on.

  • The student develops sportsmanship and a professional attitude through relfection and critical monitoring of developments in the field as a knowledge worker

  • The student can indicate based on (international) developments in the discipline of the sportsman in which further personal development is desirable and possible.

  • The student examines his/her own sport identity and develops self-management skills, resilience, drive, eagerness to learn, the ability to work intercultural and a standard about who he/she wants to be as a sports professional.

  • The student can compile and execute his own professional personal development plan on the basis of collected information from others for the short and long term in sport (training)world


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