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Intercultural interaction

In my study most of our projects and tasks are in groups and since our class is completely international with people from all over the world, it was quite of a challenge working in groups at the beginning but eventually it worked out.

Of course its hard at the beginning communicating with eachother but in the end you always find the way to make it work. having such a diverse number of nationalities in a class makes me want to know the background of everyone so that I can know what to expect from them and get to know them better.

Here are some of the advantages of studying in a multicultural class that I came up with and I believe I obtained every single one of the below stated:

  • Improved creativity: Due to all of the different experiences, cultural backgrounds and different ideas people came up with, made me improve my creativity and see even further out of the box.

  • Improved Productivity: The diversity of thoughts created innovative and disruptive ideas that pushed me to use my full potential for the best and most efficient result possible.

  • Problem Solving: Having so many different cultural backgrounds with people that have different beliefs and values makes problem solving much easier as everyone can come up with their own and unique solution and in the end combining all the creative solutions will make the best and most sensible solution in a difficult situation.

  • Professional Attitude: Working with people from different cultures made me respect different values others may have and interact with them to learn new things that will help me during my sport professional career.

There are many other characterstics about being in a multicultural environemnt thta are beneficial but personally these points I mentioned are the ones that have stood out the most to me.


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